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Saturday, April 1, 2017

United States Central Intelligence Agency

Operation Summary

Date: April 1, 2017

Clearance Level: Available for Public View
We have finally detained Prisoner 1243354. He was discovered residing in New York, NY. He did not resist arrest. A search of his residence revealed that he had used the alias "Astatinius", in order to post information to the Internet while evading capture. The information was released through a website titled "Astatinius' Alliterated Allegories." A future investigation will be launched into the site to determine if it contains harmful or dangerous content.

Objects belonging to Prisoner 1243354 have been seized, and will be documented in further reports.

As for Prisoner 1243354 himself, he has been transported to a detainment center for interrogation.

In the meantime, I have chosen to release this preliminary report to Prisoner 1243354's website as a precaution to the audience this site has likely gained. This document will be removed if the Agency deems it necessary. 

To those who ally with Prisoner 1243354, and the audience of his website, cease visiting this website immediately. "Astatinius", is a threat to not only the security of the United States of America, but to the security of the entire free world. He has used this website as an outlet to distribute his un-American ideals, and any viewing of the content of this website will be seen as an act of war against the United States. During the coming investigation, we will monitor the traffic of this website, and will be able to identify who is viewing this page. 

Depending on the threat posed by the content, this website may be taken down. If not, this post will remain up as a warning about the content of this website, and the person behind the content.

Richard Williams, Communications Operator

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