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Saturday, April 1, 2017

Plans for April

So, it's April now. As I started this blog on November, 3, 2016, that means that my blog is a few days away from its 6-month anniversary!

But that's not important. What is important is that I have some big plans for my blog in the month of April. First of all, I'm-hold on, who's that?

That's weird.

Okay, so while I was sitting at my desk typing this, I saw this guy looking in at me with binoculars.

I just heard a window break in the room next to mine. Is it possible that-

Oh no.

The guy I saw spying on me is coming into my room. He says I'm coming with him. He has a gun.

He's grabbing me! Please, if you're reading this, save me! I don't know where he's taking me, but it's definitely not somewhere I want to be, or where I can post to this blog.

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